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Uni Starter Pack

As seniors who have gone through this application process before, we get it. It’s overwhelming and it’s confusing. Tapping on our application experience and the benefit of hindsight, we’ve put together this series of articles with what you need to get started.

These articles: 

  1. Map out the basic components of the decision-making process 

  2. Provide the most essential resources to get you started 

  3. Highlight the key questions you need to ask yourself to make your decision 


If you are just starting out, we suggest that you read these articles in order. If you have specific areas you want to find out more about, skip to that section or read our blog posts for more detailed information


Click the links in the Contents Page below to get started!


We promise you that this process, though challenging, can also be extremely rewarding, not just in terms of the places you get into at the end (all of which are good options!) but also in terms of what you will learn about yourself and what you want.


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