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Free, accessible higher education resources for all students in Singapore

We link you up with seniors who have gone through this before, to help you think through higher education-related decisions, applications and more.


We value human connection and empowering you to choose what is best for you. We do not believe in screening or pre-requisites for our services.


Ultimately, we want to tell you:

You will be okay.

We're here to help.

For Juniors...


Explore what we have to offer


No matter which stage of the process you are currently at, we have something for you!

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Want to talk to someone?




I don't know where to start

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Want to talk to someone?




I know what I'm looking for

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No matter how you feel about your higher education journey, we believe your experiences have value for our Juniors.



What's the commitment like?


We only match you when you're free. Chats will take place with your Junior on Telegram and will be one-off (but you can engage more if you want to!).



How else can I be involved?


If there's a topic you wish to share with our juniors, we'd love to have you contribute to our blog!

Tell me more!


For Seniors...


Help your juniors find their way​


Join us if you feel you have higher education advice to offer, or are simply willing to share about what you’ve learnt in the process!

Become a WahSenior

If you would like to support us...

Please consider donating!


We are committed to keeping this initiative completely free and accessible to all. To grow WahUniversity to serve more juniors in the years to come, we spend money on website development and hosting, software development and outreach.

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